Thursday, 3 May 2012

Day-to-day Tasks of Vice-principals

Your experience in the role of vice-principal.  Please post your personal comments or reflections. As well, please read the comments of others and feel free to respond to them.

1 comment:

  1. Day to Day Tasks of VPs…
    There is no job description… varies from school to school enormously….. what tasks the P takes on versus what the secretary takes on and what the VP is left over to do. If you work with a very experienced P, I have found that they assume that you know things that you may not know. They have limited time to mentor you and so your tasks vary….they may be better off to consult the SERT or the Instructional Coaches about curriculum issues and they talk to the VP about attendance issues, milk orders, pizza issues, school spirit wear, ordering curriculum documents, managing the web site, yard duty issues, where are the yard toys for kids, help with volunteers, breakfast club…maybe supply teacher issues, covering a class for a teacher who has to go to an appointment or a teacher that they want to speak with, food for PD sessions…it is all over the map completely…if you are very part time…these are your tasks…not instructional leadership.. I’d like to hear from others??
